June 27-July 1: Gross Science, Eating Our Way Through STEAM, Minecraft Education & Graphic Design

Date: Thu, Jun 30, 2022, 9:00 AM to 3:30 PM

Recurs: Daily, Jun 27 to Jul 1, 2022

Category: Summer Camp

Gross Science (Entering Grades VPK-6th)   (CLOSED)

Can you see the germs that grow when we don’t brush our teeth or wash our hands? Do you know how bugs protect themselves? Campers should expect a week of icky, sticky, gooey, slimy, dripping, digging while handling some truly gross science. Beware of blood curdling ews and groaning uggs as we get dirty discovering the disgusting, albeit fascinating, science that surrounds us! 

Eating Our Way Through STEM (Entering Grades 1st-6th(CLOSED)

This delicious trip into STEM will cook up some chemistry, melt into math and complete excellent edible engineering projects. Using everyday snacks and cool food items, campers will study various science, technology, engineering and math concepts related to food! Have you ever done math with M&M’s? Do you know how to bounce an egg? What foods “blow up” when you put them together? This is a fun, interactive camp that engages children from start to finish. Note: Campers will be exposed to many different kinds of foods and food prep. Please do not register your child for this camp if he/she has food allergies that will be dangerous to participation.           

Minecraft Education: Biome Survival (Entering Grades 1st – 8th(CLOSED)

Scientific American declared, "...not only is Minecraft immersive and creative, but it is an excellent platform for making almost any subject area more engaging." Enter a world of rules, parameters, levels and goals that require hard work, intense thinking, teamwork and problem solving skills. AAALC uses this popular game to provide an academic setting for students. Campers will create various biomes and build a world around each based on the surrounding environment using survival skills to get through challenges. This week will filled with science, technology, engineering and math skills via this engaging, interactive format!

Graphic Design Camp (Entering Grades 4th-8th(CLOSED)

Students will develop design skills from concept to final product to make a range of graphic designs. They will complete posters, flyers, logos, animated videos, digital comics, gifs, memes and much more utilizing web based applications that they can continue to use long after camp is over.

Pioneer Kids: Vet Cadet (Entering Grades K-6th)  (OFF SITE PALM CITY FARM) (CLOSED)

The Vet Cadet Camp has been developed for children who are interested in veterinary medicine, animal care and husbandry or just plain love animals and science! Campers will learn through hands-on experiences with both live animals and/or models depending on the activity, as they use stethoscopes to listen to the heart and lungs, diagnose and treat injuries or illness, give injections, read medicine labels and more. Campers will receive their own Vet Scrub Shirt and create book of photos and research, as they work with different farm animals each day. This camp is held OFF SITE at a large farm located in Palm City. The address and drop off details will be provided to registered campers by March 30 via email. Note: Please consider registration carefully if your child has serious allergies to animals, insects or other things that may prevent them from enjoying this experience.

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