July 10-14: (St. Lucie County) Stop Motion Movie Making & Eating Our Way Through STEM

Date: Mon, Jul 10, 2017, 9:00 AM to 3:45 PM

Recurs: Daily, Jul 10-14, 2017

Category: Summer Camp

Stop Motion Movie Making (Entering 2nd-7th Grade)

Get ready to direct your very own stop motion animated movie. Writers, directors and producers, ages 8 and up, will produce their own movie by:

·         writing a script
·         creating a storyboard
·         developing characters
·         filming
·         editing

Stop Motion is an animation technique in which students create movies using different objects or characters. Students take a series of still photos, moving their characters based on the script and storyboard they created. The photos are put together and played, adding sound and special effects, to create a moving film. Students are paired to work in teams and create their own movie from start to finish.

Movie Making is one of the most complex and involved processes students can complete. From idea to movie involves brainstorming, planning, storyboard, writing, illustration, digital animation, editing, sound and more! AAALC will show your young producer, director and writer how movies are made from start to finish. Better yet, let them complete their own movie! Campers will use clay, Legos or other materials to create characters and design backdrops, ultimately producing their own animated movie. 

Eating Our Way Through STEM (Entering 1st-6th Grade)

This delicious trip into STEM will cook up some chemistry, melt into math and complete excellent edible engineering projects. Using everyday snacks and cool food items, campers will study various science, technology, engineering and math concepts related to food! Have you ever done math with M&M’s? Do you know how to bounce an egg? What foods “blow up” when you put them together? This is a fun, interactive camp that engages children from start to finish. Note: Campers will be exposed to many different kinds of foods and food prep. Please do not register your child for this camp if he/she has food allergies that will be dangerous to participation.

This event ended Monday, July 10, 2017 at 3:45 PM.

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