June 26-June 30: Gross Science, STEAM Into Literature, Minecraft & Pokemon

Date: Thu, Jun 29, 2023, 9:00 AM to 3:30 PM

Recurs: Daily, Jun 26-30, 2023

Category: Summer Camp

Main Campus
Located at 43 SW Monterey Road  Stuart

Gross Science (CLOSED)
(Entering Grades PreK - 6th)   

Can you see the germs that grow when we don’t brush our teeth or wash our hands? Do you know how bugs protect themselves? Campers should expect a week of icky, sticky, gooey, slimy, dripping, digging while handling some truly gross science. Beware of blood curdling ews and groaning uggs as we get dirty discovering the disgusting, albeit fascinating, science that surrounds us! 

STEAM Into Literature! (CLOSED)
(Entering grades PreK - 6th)

Do you want to build an excitement for books and literature of all genres? Join us for an exciting trip through various genres followed by themed STEAM activities that correspond with the book! Each day campers will read a story centered around a specific genre such as fiction, nonfiction, biography, autobiography, fairy tales and more then complete excting experiments. Younger students may read If You Give A Mouse A Cookie and then interact with live mice while learning about their habits, community and life cycle! Older students may read a chapter of Because of Winn Dixie, then create 3D animals through coding activities. The purpose of this program is to engage and interest students in literary works, encouraging them to seek out beautiful literature long after camp is over.

Minecraft Education: Biome Survival (CLOSED)
(Entering Grades 1st – 8th)

Scientific American declared, "...not only is Minecraft immersive and creative, but it is an excellent platform for making almost any subject area more engaging." Enter a world of rules, parameters, levels and goals that require hard work, intense thinking, teamwork and problem solving skills. AAALC uses this popular game to provide an academic setting for students. Campers will create various biomes and build a world around each based on the surrounding environment using survival skills to get through challenges. This week will be filled with science, technology, engineering and math skills via this engaging, interactive format!

Pokemania (CLOSED) 
(Entering grades 1st - 8th)

Campers will learn to draw pokemons, model with play doh, create Pokemon cards and characters, 3D print and more! This camp is full of positively Poke’ related STEM activities. Which animal kingdom does your favorite Pokemon belong too? Can you cook Pizza-chu? Can you create a chemical reaction with a pokeball? If your child likes all things Pokemon, this is the camp for you!

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